All courses are still available for registration. Small modifications have been made to courses due to school closures in consequence of COVID-19. Click here for further information.
All of our university-approved courses are eligible for:
Advanced Differentiation: Using Differentiated Learning Plans & Tiered Assignments 3...
Basics of Differentiation 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description...
Building Relationships with Students 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Descrip...
Co-Teaching: How to Maximize Your Teaching Resources 3 Graduate Level Credits...
Communicating with Parents & Families 3 Graduate Level Credits Course De...
Differentiating for Gifted & Talented Learners 3 Graduate Level Credits...
Growth Mindset in the Classroom 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description...
Improving Motivation and Behavior through Classroom Structures 3 Graduate Level Credits...
Increasing Student Engagement 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description...
Integrating Standards Effectively 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Descriptio...
Online Course: Teaching Effective Discipline in the Classroom 3 Graduate Level Credits...
Providing Interactive Learning Experiences 3 Graduate Level Credits Course D...
Providing Student Choice Opportunities 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Descr...
Reading Comprehension 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description This...
Creating a Safe Learning Environment 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Descrip...
Self-Care: Healthy Strategies for Sustaining Excellence 3 Graduate Level Credits...
Setting High Academic Expectations 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Descripti...
Standards-Based Grading 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description Th...
Teaching English Language Learners 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description This course provides strategie...
Teaching Vocabulary 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description This c...
The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: An Inquiry-Based Method of Instruction 3 Graduate Level...
Understanding by Design: Using Backwards Planning 3 Graduate Level Credits C...
Using Brain Research to Improve Learning 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Des...
Using Love & Logic to Develop Responsibility 3 Graduate Level Credits Co...
Self-Care: Healthy Strategies for Sustaining Excellence 3 Graduate Level Credits...
Setting High Academic Expectations 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Descripti...
Standards-Based Grading 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description Th...
Teaching English Language Learners 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description This course provides strategie...
Teaching Vocabulary 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Description This c...
The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: An Inquiry-Based Method of Instruction 3 Graduate Level...
Understanding by Design: Using Backwards Planning 3 Graduate Level Credits C...
Using Brain Research to Improve Learning 3 Graduate Level Credits Course Des...
Using Love & Logic to Develop Responsibility 3 Graduate Level Credits Co...
Are you a first-year or early career teacher looking for support on your education journey? Do you worry that your favorite lesson plan format is now obsolete? Are your tried and true methods falling short with the new generation of students? Maybe you’re falling out of love with education and seeking to regain your spark?
What’s really standing between you and a fantastic classroom observation?
Credits for Teachers provides teachers with relevant, up-to-date classroom strategies. That’s what makes our continuing education credits for teachers as highly effective as the educators who earn them! We keep our content current, so you’ll know you’re at the cutting edge of classroom practice. We take pride in inspiring seasoned educators to fall back in love with this dynamic profession.
Our continuing education courses grant teachers graduate-level semester credits from our university partners. Each of our university partners is accredited through one of the 6 regional accreditation commissions.
Here’s what working professionals are saying about Credits For Teachers Online Courses.
I loved how manageable it was to take this course while still teaching full-time and raising a family. I also appreciate how applicable and valuable the information really was!
With the extra money I’ve earned, I paid off my student loans 5 years earlier than I planned. A big thanks to Credits for Teachers.
Yes, I would recommend this course to my colleagues. To me, the best features were the information presented in the readings. I loved having the ability to complete the course on my own schedule."
Are you ready to take your future into your own hands? Online continuing education courses for teachers allow K-12 educators to pursue recertification, license renewal, or salary advancement from home. Credits For Teachers partners with accredited universities to offer engaging graduate-level CE courses at a comfortable price point.
Best of all, our continuing education classes for teachers address what’s really going on in contemporary classrooms. You will gain valuable insights and ideas that you can implement right away. When it’s time to transition into a new role, you’ll be up to date on current best practices. Plus, you’ll have the confidence to discuss and implement those new ideas with fidelity.
Short on time? Most educators complete their continuing education courses in about two months.
You’ll emerge with a sense of pride and confidence in your classroom practice. Most importantly, you’ll finally receive the compensation you deserve.
Choose from our selection of self-paced continuing education courses for teachers and transform your practice today.
Our continuing education courses are online for teacher convenience. You’ll have six months to complete each course. Modules are completely self-paced, allowing you the freedom to learn at your own unique speed.
You can conquer new concepts during Spring Break or recertify on the beach during Summer Vacation! Do you prefer learning at the coffee shop or on the living room sofa? Our students love the option to take classes in a flexible environment.
Each course will inspire actionable ideas, so they always feel like a good use of your time. When learning is this flexible, everyone can accomplish their goals.
Credits for Teachers offers a variety of Graduate Level Continuing Education courses that help to support the professional advancement of educators. All of our courses can be taken for graduate level credit as well as for continuing education purposes. Our courses are aimed at helping educators achieve their personal and professional goals including state license renewal, district salary advancement / salary lane change, continuing education and other professional pursuits.
Graduate Level Credit
Credits for Teachers is proud to provide teachers with the opportunity to earn Graduate Level credit through our Regionally Accredited University Partners. Teachers have the opportunity to select from our various University Partners including:
Once a course is successfully completed, teacher’s receive a transcript listing their course and the letter grade that they received.
Continuing Education
Teacher’s may also take our courses for Continuing Education purposes. Many teachers have elected this route to help improve their practice in the classroom through the multitude of strategies & tactics that are presented in our courses. In addition, some districts do not require a transcript for salary advancement & lane changes and therefore, this is the perfect option for educators in those districts.
*Although our courses have been approved by our Regionally Accredited University Partners, all educators looking to use our courses for State Licensure or Salary Advancement purposes are encouraged to confirm the courses will work with their respective governing body / district.
Upon registration, teachers have the opportunity to select if they would prefer to take a course for Continuing Education purposes or for Graduate Credit. If they would like to take a course for Graduate Credit, they can do so by selecting one of our applicable University Partners.
Teachers who are looking to utilize these courses for Salary Advancement or State Licensure purposes will likely need to choose the Graduate Credit option. That option will provide the student with a transcript from our Regionally Accredited University Partner.
Teachers who are just focused on learning new strategies and techniques to help them in the classroom are best suited for the Continuing Education option.
From a content standpoint, there is very little difference between the Graduate Credit option vs. the Continuing Education option. Teachers who are interested in the Graduate Credit option should be advised that those courses will have an additional fee due to the University Partner of their choice. Those specific fees can be found on the individual course page.
Often the selection of the University Partner for your Continuing Education & Graduate Credits is based on the preference of the individual teacher. We suggest that you confirm with your District or State Department of Education that they accept credits from the specific University Partner that you are considering.
Master’s Degree Option
Colorado State University Pueblo does offer a Master’s in Education option. Teachers are able to take courses through Credits for Teachers with CSU Pueblo as the University Partner and apply those courses towards their Master’s Degree work. As a side note, these courses are slightly more work intensive as they can be (but don’t have to be) used towards a Master’s Degree.
Teacher’s can find additional information on the Master’s Degree option here.
Yes, courses that have been approved by CSU Pueblo can be used towards their Master’s Program. Please refer to CSU Pueblo’s website for more information on their Master’s Program and how our courses can satisfy those requirements. CSU Pueblo is our only University Partner that offers courses that can be used towards a Master’s Degree.
All of our University Partners issue transcripts in the format of semester hours. Each course is worth 45 semester hours of work and 3 graduate credits.
Our courses have been approved by Regionally Accredited University Partners which means that they are widely accepted by the majority of school districts and state education departments. That said, we always encourage teachers to seek confirmation with their respective district or state department.
All courses can be purchased online. Whether choosing the Continuing Education option for teachers or Graduate Credit for teachers option, both can be purchased on our website in the matter of a few minutes.
Upon registration, teachers will receive an email with all of the course information including the syllabus, course materials and access to the online learning management system.
Teacher’s have up to 6 months from the time they register to complete a course. If needed, a one-time extension of 30-days can be granted for students to complete their coursework. In the event that an extension is required, please reach out to our team here prior to the date of the 6 month deadline.
The amount of time it takes to complete our Continuing Education & Graduate Credit courses can vary from teacher to teacher. We offer a 6-month timeline for courses to be completed which is more than enough time to complete a course. Most teachers complete a course within 4-8 weeks of their registration.
We have professional evaluators & graders for all of our courses. Once the entire course has been completed, one of our graders will evaluate all course assignments. Once that is complete, we provide a certificate of completion including a letter grade for the course for both the Continuing Education option as well as the Graduate Credit option of our courses. If teacher’s select the Graduate Credit option, that grade will be sent to their selected University Partner, and they will receive a transcript with the course and letter grade.
Yes. We strictly follow the policies of our University Partners which limits teachers to 6 courses or 18 semester credits per semester.
Teachers are allowed to exchange one course for another, without charge. Teachers are required to reach out to the University Partner of their choice in order to switch the course registration with the University.
Teachers are allowed to drop a course and receive a complete refund for up to 30 days after their registration date.
Yes, teachers are allowed to transfer their course for free to a different University Partner at any time during the 6 month window. Teachers must check the specific transfer/withdrawal policy of the University Partner that they initially registered with. Credits for Teachers has no influence over the policies of our University Partner’s and our transfer policies & timelines may differ.
Yes, teachers may request an extension for submitting their coursework. Credits for Teachers does maintain a strict one-time extension per student.
All assignments can be turned in at any time, however, they must be turned in no later than 6 months after the date of the course registration. If a teacher submits coursework after the 6-month deadline they will need to re-register for the course, which will include a renewal fee.
Grading: When coursework is submitted for grading, teachers can expect to receive their Certificate of Completion along with their grade in 7-10 business days.
Receiving Transcripts: Once a teacher’s work is graded and they are issued a Certificate of Completion, their grade is then submitted to the University Partner that they selected. At that time, the University will process the grade and update the transcript. We advise teachers that this process can take up to 10-14 business days.
Each University Partner has a specific process for how to request transcripts. Adams State University does send one complimentary paper transcript in the mail. Otherwise, any other transcripts (electronic or paper) need to be ordered online on the respective University’s website.
Please refer to our University Partner page for more information on how to register with & order transcripts with each of our University Partners.
Yes! We’ve intentionally crafted these courses so that educators across all contents, in a variety of roles (in or out of the classroom) can benefit from and utilize strategies to improve their practice.
There are no course deadlines other than the 6 month window. All assignments must be completed and submitted for grading within 6 months of your registration date.
If you have not completed your coursework within the 6 month window, teachers must renew their registration in order to complete their work and receive a grade. This will also result in paying a renewal fee.
Yes, we encourage teachers & other colleagues to collaborate and take courses together. However, when taking a course with a colleague, we do require that each educator submit their own unique set of coursework for grading.
Our professional development courses are graded by a group of talented and professionally trained evaluators, who are all current or past educators. Those evaluators carefully follow the rubrics that have been approved by our accredited University Partners.
Evaluators provide feedback to teachers via the learning management system as well as on the certificate of completion provided to teachers upon the completion of each course. Grades for each individual assignment are tracked in that system. Teachers are then notified via email when their work has been graded, at which time they are also sent their certificate of completion.
Once teachers have completed their coursework for their respective PD course, teachers may submit their coursework for grading via the Learning Management System. Instructions on how to submit coursework are included in the syllabus and welcome email that teachers receive upon registration.
When you receive a grade on an assignment, you may reach back out to us if you want to seek opportunities to improve that grade or if you feel that the grade you’ve received is inaccurate. Please direct those inquiries to
For most of our courses, the cost of all of your materials is included in the price of the course. The only courses that require additional materials are the Master’s approved courses that can be taken with CSU Pueblo.
We work extremely hard to make our course prices competitive and affordable for educators. We do offer a referral program where teachers can earn a referral for any colleague that they refer to our courses (colleagues also receive $20-off their first course). Teacher’s can sign up for the referral program here.
We also offer a discount for teachers who purchase 5 or more courses at once. To receive this discount use coupon code “SAVEMORE5” at checkout for $75 off your purchase.
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