All courses are still available for registration. Small modifications have been made to courses due to school closures in consequence of COVID-19. Click here for further information.

Why Multi-Tasking is Your Worst Enemy

Woman juggling different objects like laptop, cell phone, and barbell

For years it was common to hear teachers say “I’m a great multi-tasker” or “multi-tasking is one of my gifts”.  From a professional development standpoint,  current research suggests that being a multi-tasker isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. In fact, multi-tasking has been proven to lead to lower levels of creativity, higher levels of stress, […]

How Batching Can Increase Your Productivity 10x

Batching pencil in hand

A typical day… The last student files out of your classroom and you start to get excited thinking about all of the work you are going to get done during your plan period. As you sit down at your desk, here is just a short list of events that derail your productivity on an average […]

Standards-Based or Traditional Grading – Why not Both?

Printed checklist for evaluation

There are many reasons to support both Standards-Based & Traditional grading. For teachers trying to jump into Standards-Based Grading (SBG) and don’t know how, a hybrid option might seem like an easier transition from a traditional grading system.  Other teachers may want to fully switch to SBG but because of their school’s requirements or even […]