All courses are still available for registration. Small modifications have been made to courses due to school closures in consequence of COVID-19. Click here for further information.

University Partners

Credits: 3 Semester Graduate Level credits

Registering with the University:

If you are interested in receiving credit through University of Massachusetts Global, please click on the registration link here to register with the university.Once on their website, follow the steps below to complete the registration process.Please register with the university prior to starting your coursework.
  1. Click on “REGISTER NOW.”
  2. Then, for the course you would like to register for, click on “Add to Cart.”  When you are done, click on the shopping cart on the top right.
  3. After reviewing the course list you are registering for, click on “PROCEED TO CONFIRMATION.”
  4. If you are registering with UMass Global for the first time, create an account.  If you are a returning student, enter your login information.
  5. Once you are logged in and on the Confirmation page, click “PROCEED TO PAYMENT.”
  6. Enter your payment information and then confirm all of your information is correct.

Ordering Transcripts:

For more information on how to order transcripts from UMass Global, please click on the link here and follow the directions on their website.
Credits: 3 Semester Graduate Level credits

Registering with the University:

If you are interested in receiving credit through Adams State University, please click on the registration link here to register with the university.Once on their website, follow the steps below to complete the registration process.Please register with the university prior to starting your coursework.
  1. Fill out all necessary information.  Click on the course you would like to register for.
  2. At the bottom of this page, click on how you would like to pay for the course.  Then click “Submit”.
  3. On the following page, review the course list you have registered for.  Then click “Proceed to Payment”.
  4. Enter your payment information and then confirm all of your information is correct.

Ordering Transcripts:

For more information on how to order transcripts from Adams State, please click on the link here and follow the directions on their website.

Credits: 3 Semester Graduate Level credits*

Registering with the University:

If you are interested in receiving credit through Colorado State University Pueblo, please click on the registration link here to register with the university.

Once on their website, follow the steps below to complete the registration process.

Please register with the university prior to starting your coursework.

  1. Fill out all necessary information. For “Provider” select Credits for Teachers. Then, click on the course you would like to register for.
  2. At the bottom, certify that you have read all of the information by clicking “Confirm” and then sign your name in the signature box.
  3. Click “Submit Form”

Students must register for each course through CSU Pueblo prior to the end of the semester in which they are enrolled with Credits for Teachers.

*Please note that these 3 Semester Graduate Level credits are worth 115 credit hours (as opposed to 45 semester credit hours if going through Adams State or UMass Global). The increase in workload is due to the fact that our courses through CSU Pueblo are our “Master’s version” since these courses can be (but do not have to be) used towards CSU Pueblo’s online Master’s in Education program.

Ordering Transcripts:

For more information on how to order transcripts from CSU Pueblo, please click on the link here and follow the directions on their website.

How It Works:

Step 1:

Students register for a course on the Credits for Teaches website. Upon registration, they will then be sent the proper course materials via email.

Step 2:

Students register with the university partner of their choice (if receiving university credit).

Step 3:

Students complete the required course assignments and submit them via Schoology (or via email to if taking courses through CSU Pueblo).

Step 4:

Students should allow 10-14 business days for assignments to be graded. Once graded, students will receive a certificate of completion from Credits for Teachers and the final grade will be sent to the respective university partner.

Step 5:

Students should allow 10-14 business days for the respective university partner to process the final grade and update the transcript. Then, students will be able to view and order updated transcripts.