All courses are still available for registration. Small modifications have been made to courses due to school closures in consequence of COVID-19. Click here for further information.

What Affects Learning Effectiveness: 7 Important Factors

Student and teacher in library

While teachers’ lives would undoubtedly be easier if the learning playing fields were always “level,” that will never be the case. No matter how passionate and dedicated the teacher is, how modern and equipped the school is, or even how affluent the community is, some factors affect learning on an individual level that are difficult […]

Engaging With Students in Academic Conversations About Race

Students in class

Academic conversations about race can be challenging for teachers to lead and manage, especially in today’s divisive political climate. Classroom dynamics, socioeconomic differences, geographic locations, and school administrations are some contributing factors regarding how race is addressed in school. For any classroom teacher, even the most experienced and seasoned, fostering academic conversation skills about race […]

What Is Mindful Learning & How to Implement It in the Classroom

Mindfulness note on windows

Anyone who has worked in education in recent years, even if for only a short time, is familiar with the increased focus on mindfulness or mindful learning. While it may be tempting to lump it into a list of “buzzwords,” mindful learning is much more than that. First, let’s dig in and explore what mindful […]