Teacher’s Best Friend: Google Drive and Google Classroom

Whether you love it or hate it, technology is here to stay in the classroom. As teachers in the 21st century, we must provide our students with the chance to develop their 21st-century skills, including how to research, use, and create in digital environments. One upside to technology is that it can drastically reduce the […]
The Magic of Student-Led Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences can fill even the most seasoned teacher with anxiety. You want to get the parents on your side but without alienating the student, who you will continue to see every day. Instead of you, the teacher, being the bearer of news both good and bad, student-led conferences are an innovative way to help […]
How We Can Create Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms

You never know what all your students are going to be bringing into your classroom. Each one has a metaphorical backpack stuffed full of different items brought from home — from divorce to abuse to food insecurity to mental illness — and these weigh heavy on students even while they are at school. Although we […]
7 Ways To Drastically Reduce Your Time Grading

No matter how hard you try, staring down the piles of ungraded assignments on your desk will not make them go away any faster. There’s no possible way for any human to grade everything — the bell-ringers, homework assignments, journal responses, exit tickets, essays, projects, and presentations — so you shouldn’t feel too guilty if […]
10 Ways to Beat the Constant Battle for a Work/Life Balance

A teacher’s work is never done. Outsiders don’t really understand how teachers constantly have a never-ending to-do list of things to prep, plan, grade, create, clean, discuss, question, read, learn, analyze, complete, and tweak. And oh yeah, teach somewhere in there, too. The high demands and expectations, coupled with low pay and respect, have led […]
How to Avoid Teacher Burn Out

The days and weeks are long and every once in awhile, teachers need to hit the reset button. In order to put your best foot forward for your students, some time must be set aside every so often to relax, unwind, and clear your mind, to help you and your students continue on the path […]